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Dec 1, 2021

Hammers of Peace (2021) short film review

A short documentary that takes a look at the lives of the Grady family and their fight for nuclear disarmament, this is Hammers of Peace by Samu Gabor.

Whilst many will agree with the statement that war is wrong, there aren’t many who will stand up and take action against those that want to harm other countries. The Grady family doesn’t fall into that demographic. They have continued to protest for forty years in order to be heard and to try and stop the atrocities being forged by their own government...

Hammers of Peace (2021) short film review

Nov 24, 2021

Filmmaker Interview with Samu Gabor

Lovely to speak with you. You have a new short documentary coming out, Hammers of Peace. How would you describe the plot to a new audience?

The film displays an incredible and moving story that follows three members of the Grady family who took action for what they believed to be right. We get a glimpse of Ellen Grady's personal story and her connection to the Plowshares movement, meeting her partner Peter De Mott and raising a family amidst their abnormal life. The film was just released on IndiePix Unlimited.

Filmmaker Interview with Samu Gabor

Oct 22, 2021

Documentary by Samu Gabor ’24 Wins Multiple Awards, Will Stream on IndiePix

Hammers of Peace, a documentary directed and produced by Samu Gabor ’24 during his first year at Sarah Lawrence, is garnering critical acclaim on the film festival circuit and is slated to stream on in November.

Documentary by Samu Gabor ’24 Wins Multiple Awards, Will Stream on IndiePix

Jul 1, 2021

Hammers of Peace, dir. by Samu Gabor

An incredible and moving story that follows three members of the Grady family who took action for what they believe to be right. We get a glimpse into the history of Ellen Grady and her connection to the Plowshares movement, meeting her partner Peter De Mott and raising a family next to their abnormal life. Short documentary.

Hammers of Peace, dir. by Samu Gabor

Mar 10, 2021

"Grand Prize Award" was presented to Samu Gabor, at the Barrymore Film Center on Friday, March 19, 2021.

The #BFCShortFilmFest presented the 2021 "Grand Prize Award" to Samu Gabor, at the Barrymore Film Center on Friday, March 19, 2021. Samu also received a plaque for 1st Place in the "Student Film" Category and a check for $500 presented by Ft Lee Councilman, Harvey Sohmer, Dr. Richard Koszarski, and BFC Festival Co-Chairs, Nelson Page and Charlene Trotter.

 "Grand Prize Award" was presented to Samu Gabor, at the Barrymore Film Center on Friday, March 19, 2021.

Sep 30, 2019

16-jähriger Filmemacher öffnet uns die Augen für Alltagsrassismus

Der junge Filmemacher Samu Gabor ist erst 16 Jahre alt. Gerade hat er den Kurzfilm „True Colors of Society“ gedreht. Wir haben uns mit ihm getroffen und über seine Ambition, Rassismus, Social Diversity und das Filmemachen gesprochen.

16-jähriger Filmemacher öffnet uns die Augen für Alltagsrassismus

Nov 23, 2018

Jung und engagiert: „Es war für mich Zauberwerk“

Er ist 16 Jahre alt und begeisterter Filmemacher. Mit der Reihe „After The Boat“ wagt sich Samu Gabor an ein neues Genre heran: Dokumentarfilme.

Jung und engagiert: „Es war für mich Zauberwerk“
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